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Where do you see soil reflectance spectroscopy in five years' time?
In your studies, why does Landsat imagery seem to work so well for spatial interpolation of soil properties, despite the fact that the landscapes are highly vegetated?
Is assessment of soil quality at the spatial resolution of satellite platforms useful for soil management recommendations given the micro-variation that typically exists within farms?

Where do you see soil reflectance spectroscopy in five years' time?

Until now, reflectance spectroscopy has largely been seen as a substitute for standard laboratory analyses. We believe that the technique has the greatest potential for direct sensing of soil functional capacity (the soil's capacity to perform specific, production, environmental or engineering functions). The strength of the technique lies in its ability to simultaneously sense a number of fundamental soil properties, which are often closely interrelated and together determine a soil's functional capacity. We have provided examples of this in terms of ability of spectral screening tests to discriminate soil fertility condition classes and soil erosion phases. We expect to see a large increase in the use of reflectance spectroscopy in risk-based soil management approaches, especially in large area applications and precision agriculture. We see the development of dedicated software that will allow 'criminal profiles' of soils to be displayed directly on the computer screen and perhaps global standards emerging. We also see reflectance spectra being entered directly into computer simulation models (e.g. hydrological models) instead of conventional data on soil attributes. There is also great opportunity for saving costs by using the spectral library approach as a variance reduction tool when selecting samples for conventional analyses. In summary, we expect that reflectance spectroscopy will transform the way in which soil measurements are done and permit much more reliable assessments to be made than in the past.
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In your studies, why does Landsat imagery seem to work so well for spatial interpolation of soil properties, despite the fact that the landscapes are highly vegetated?

Remote sensing of soil properties direct from space platforms is hampered by atmospheric interference, shade and shadow effects, mixtures of materials within pixels, and variation in soil moisture content. However, calibrations between soil properties and image reflectance can be made because variation in soil properties across an image is related to variation in vegetation, parent material, shade and shadow effects, which all effect the image reflectance values. We are basically interpolating ground observations relying on 'environmental' correlation. These calibrations are not transferable to a different image. We expect that where there is less vegetation and more soil signal that such calibrations will improve and vice versa. We expect that new hyperspectral imagery coming on line, which has a spectral resolution similar to lab/field spectrometers, might enhance calibrations and even allow direct unmixing of soil endmembers. There may also be scope for improving spatial interpolation by combining soil spectral libraries with other geo-referenced information, such as from digital terrain models.

Is assessment of soil quality at the spatial resolution of satellite platforms useful for soil management recommendations given the micro-variation that typically exists within farms?

With Landsat imagery we are working with a spatial resolution of about 30 m. This is appropriate for planning of policies, targeting of advisory services and monitoring of changes at a watershed scale. This resolution is already vastly superior than could be derived from say existing soil maps, which are typically only available at a scale of 1:1 Million or 1:250,000 and assume homogeneity within mapping units. Preliminary geo-statistical analysis in our western Kenya studies also indicate that soil samples taken closer than between 250 m and 10 km (depending on the soil property) are not independent (they are spatially correlated), which suggests that further increasing the spatial resolution will not necessarily give more information. Having identified potential trouble spots at the watershed scale, it would then be appropriate to go on the ground at the farm scale and conduct spectral screening tests to further asses micro-variation in soil quality. This process can facilitate individual land users to learn about the variability on their farms and to experiment on how best to manage it according to their objectives.
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